Bird's View

Choose a category

Access to Electricity
Access to Skilled Birth Staff
Urban Agglomerations

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Choose a decade




Please choose a decade before continuing.

Think of every interaction you have with electricity. On the flip of a switch, you illuminated your restroom when using it earlier today, as you do every day. The temperature of the water you use every day is regulated using electrical devices. Electricity allows food to stay cool and prevent spoilage, or to be warmed up. Most immediately, the laptop or smart device you are using to connect to the Internet and view this visualization is at the mercy of electricity, not to mention other gadgets we use on a regular basis.

Everyday modes of transportation use electricity. Grocery and convenience stores. Traffic signals. Factories. Offices. Construction sites. Purification plants. In all these parts of society and more, electricity enables progress. It is the root of the contemporary lifestyle.

Because with electricity is information. Sight. Connection. Influence. Individuality. Freedom. Power. As you interact with the map below, think about the living, breathing humans in countries below 100% access. Remember the individual lifestyles and circumstances behind each percentage point.
A stark duality exists among humanity -- we are at our most vulnerable during the first moments of life, as we take our first breaths. Many live on to take a lifetime of breaths, but for the over 2 million lives lost in 2019 to "neonatal conditions" around the world, a much more grim story is told (WHO). According to the World Health Organization, neonatal conditions, which include "birth asphyxia and birth trauma, neonatal sepsis and infections, and preterm birth complications," were the 5th leading cause of death globally in 2019.

Thankfully, this number has shrunk over the past few decades with the rise in availability of skilled healthcare staff during birth. Medical centers that have blood transfusions, drugs, procedures, and other interventions lead to better outcomes for infants and mothers alike. As you examine the map below, consider the distribution of access to skilled birth staff globally; specifically, reflect on how each percentage point corresponds to lives saved and lost -- breaths taken, and breaths stolen.
Think back to places you have lived in the past. Did you live in urban megacities, rural farmlands, or somewhere in between? What types of living environments are important to you? What type of public infrastructure (utilities, transportation, waste management, telecommunication, to name a few) do you use on a regular basis? How might access to this infrastructure differ between urban and rural areas?

Urbanism can tell a wide range of stories -- with greater population density often comes greater access to public infrastructure, but it may also carry the burdens of worse individual living conditions, segregation, crowding, competition and more. As we think about the world geographically, it is important to consider the nuances of population density. As you interact with the map below, think about how each percentage point gives insight into living conditions and the potential for opportunity around the world.


Now, it's your turn to learn more about access to electricity around the world! You are tasked with coloring a map based on what you think each country's level of access is.

For each country, you can guess one of ten ranges: 0-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50-60%, 60-70%, 70-80%, 80-90%, and 90-100%.

You will be awarded up to 20 points based on how close you are. If your guess is in the correct range, you get a full 20 points. If you guess one range above or below the correct range, you get 10 points. If you guess two ranges above or below, you get 5 points. If you're more than two ranges off, you get 0.

As you guess, you'll start to see your average score broken up by continent. As you guess, you will be awarded a key for each continent you guess in (for a total of six). Once you collect all six keys, you'll unlock the solutions to all countries on the map. Below the original map, you'll see a map of points you earned.

Good luck!


Now, it's your turn to learn more about access to skilled birth staff around the world! You are tasked with coloring a map based on what you think each country's level of access is.

For each country, you can guess one of ten ranges: 0-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50-60%, 60-70%, 70-80%, 80-90%, and 90-100%.

You will be awarded up to 20 points based on how close you are. If your guess is in the correct range, you get a full 20 points. If you guess one range above or below the correct range, you get 10 points. If you guess two ranges above or below, you get 5 points. If you're more than two ranges off, you get 0.

As you guess, you'll start to see your average score broken up by continent. As you guess, you will be awarded a key for each continent you guess in (for a total of six). Once you collect all six keys, you'll unlock the solutions to all countries on the map. Below the original map, you'll see a map of points you earned.

Good luck!


Now, it's your turn to learn more about the rate of living in urban agglemorations is around the world! You are tasked with coloring a map based on what you think each country's rate of living in urban agglomerations is.

For each country, you can guess one of ten ranges: 0-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50-60%, 60-70%, 70-80%, 80-90%, and 90-100%.

You will be awarded up to 20 points based on how close you are. If your guess is in the correct range, you get a full 20 points. If you guess one range above or below the correct range, you get 10 points. If you guess two ranges above or below, you get 5 points. If you're more than two ranges off, you get 0.

As you guess, you'll start to see your average score broken up by continent. As you guess, you will be awarded a key for each continent you guess in (for a total of six). Once you collect all six keys, you'll unlock the solutions to all countries on the map. Below the original map, you'll see a map of points you earned.

Good luck!
Click on any country to zoom in and guess a value! Click on the same country to zoom out.

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