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Souls of the Titanic

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Each square represents a passenger on the Titanic. Hover over each square to learn more. This square represents Dorothy Gibson, the real life figure who inspired Rose from the Titanic movie.

The Titanic was built in Belfast, and crew members departed there before the official journey began.

The Titanic departed from Southampton, England on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Titanic stopped in Cherbourg, France to pick up passengers.

Finally, the Titanic stopped in Queenstown, Ireland to pick up its last passengers before heading to New York City

3rd class passengers was the largest source of the Titanic's profit and were over half of the passengers.

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Belfast, England

Southampton, England

Cherbourg, France

Queensland, Ireland

New York, USA

The Titanic crashed on April 14, 1912.

There were only 16 lifeboats on the Titanic, and 4 collapsible lifeboats with a total capacity of 1178.

The musicians made no attempt to save themselves, playing “Nearer, My God, to Thee,” the song playing right now, to calm people down as the ship was sinking.

Passengers traveling first class on Titanic were roughly 44 percent more likely to survive than other passengers.

Although they were required to get on lifeboats first, many of the victims were women and children because of the disorderly boarding process.

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Souls of the Titanic


(track your favorite titanic character: click a name!)

(If Rose were real)

(One of the musicians)

("Unsinkable Molly")


